
Already starting from November 2nd we invite you to take an exciting and fun ride along the bobsleigh and luge track “Sigulda” on a winter soft bob “Vuchka”. During the ride you can enjoy speeds of up to 80 km/h, and every turn passed is like a new adventure that remains unforgettable.

Introducing the Ice-Raft at Sigulda's Bobsleigh and Luge Track!

Already starting from November 2nd embark on a winter adventure like never before with our brand-new product – the ice-raft!


Already starting from November 2nd experience the fun of soft-luge and feel like a real skeletonist, driving around the turns of the track at a speed of up to 80 km/h.


Track length: 1,200 m men's start, 1,000 m women's start. Elevation difference: 111.5 m men's start, 100 m women's start. Gradient: 9.3% from men's start. The total number of turns: 16. Starting positions: 4. Maximum speed: 120 km/h (men's start)

Šveices iela 13, LV-2150, Sigulda

cell: +371 25479108,



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līdzfinansēta no valsts budžeta līdzekļiem.


Te ir darbs

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