Summer bob

During the spring-summer season, we invite you to experience a positive, emotional and exciting descent on our bobsled summer sleigh on wheels. The descent takes place under the control of an experienced pilot in the concrete chute of the Bobsleigh and luge track “Sigulda”.


Track length: 1,200 m men's start, 1,000 m women's start. Elevation difference: 111.5 m men's start, 100 m women's start. Gradient: 9.3% from men's start. The total number of turns: 16. Starting positions: 4. Maximum speed: 120 km/h (men's start)

Šveices iela 13, LV-2150, Sigulda

cell: +371 25479108,



Sporta bāzes saimnieciskā darbība tiek
līdzfinansēta no valsts budžeta līdzekļiem.



Sestdien, 18. novembrī, izklaides braucieni ar ziemas vučko nebūs pieejami – trasē laikā no 14.11. līdz 18.11.2023. norisināsies starptautiskā treniņa nedēļa skeletonā un bobslejā. Trase būs atvērta ...
2023.10.27 802

The summer bob is replaced by the soft bob

Our bobsleigh and sledge track "Sigulda" is starting the winter season and artificial ice has already been laid on the track to start a new training process and winter entertainment program. ...
2023.10.12 1234


On Saturday, August 5, we will not be able to offer you summer bobsleigh fun trips. We will be closed to visitors, because the obstacle race ARMY TOUGH RUN organized by the armed forces will take ...
2023.07.31 780

Summer bobsleigh rides

We have news. The Latvian National Sports Center offers fun trips with summer bobsleigh, bobsled sleds on wheels, which is a very popular and adrenaline-filled event! During the trip, 13 turns of the ...
2023.07.19 2346

Izklaides braucieni ar vučko

Informējam, ka izklaides braucieni ar vučko šajā sezonā vairs nav pieejami. Gaidīsim Jūs atkal 2023./2024. gada sezonā, sākot no novembra! ...
2023.03.14 1259
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