
Already starting from November 2nd we invite you to take an exciting and fun ride along the bobsleigh and luge track “Sigulda” on a winter soft bob “Vuchka”. During the ride you can enjoy speeds of up to 80 km/h, and every turn passed is like a new adventure that remains unforgettable.

Introducing the Ice-Raft at Sigulda's Bobsleigh and Luge Track!

Already starting from November 2nd embark on a winter adventure like never before with our brand-new product – the ice-raft!


Already starting from November 2nd experience the fun of soft-luge and feel like a real skeletonist, driving around the turns of the track at a speed of up to 80 km/h.

Summer bob

Only until October 6th 2024 we invite you to experience a positive, emotional and exciting ride on our bobsled summer sleigh on wheels. The descent takes place under the control of an experienced pilot in the concrete chute of the Bobsleigh and luge track “Sigulda”.


Track length: 1,200 m men's start, 1,000 m women's start. Elevation difference: 111.5 m men's start, 100 m women's start. Gradient: 9.3% from men's start. The total number of turns: 16. Starting positions: 4. Maximum speed: 120 km/h (men's start)

Šveices iela 13, LV-2150, Sigulda

cell: +371 25479108,



Sporta bāzes saimnieciskā darbība tiek
līdzfinansēta no valsts budžeta līdzekļiem.


Starptautiskā treniņnometne

Sakarā ar „Bobsleja un kamaniņu trases „Sigulda”” lielo noslogojumu, kas saistīts ar Starptautisko treniņnometni, izklaides braucieni ar „Vučko” š. g. 15. un 16. novembrī nenotiks.Jau iepriekš ...
2014.11.14 13591

Nobraucieni ar "vučko"

No 2014.gada 25.oktobra nedēļas nogalēs ir pieejami nobraucieni ar ""vučko". ...
2014.10.24 14562


Sakarā ar to, ka notiek rekonstrukcijas darbi, trases apskate un nobraucieni ar vasaras bobu ir pieejami tikai nedēļas nogalēs - sestdien un svētdien no plkst. 12:00 līdz 17:00. ...
2014.08.12 13508
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